Saturday, November 22, 2014

Here's Why Everyone Should Embrace Workplace Napping Right Now

Although it's certainly advised that you power down devices an hour before bed, escort them out of the bedroom and log a solid seven to eight hours every night, once in a while -- whether it's due to insomnia or busy schedules -- we don't always get the sleep we need.

The Atlantic's senior editor and health columnist James Hamblin is all about napping. "Ever since I moved in over a Subway, I'm not sleeping well," he explains in the video above.

The video goes on to explain that lack of sleep costs the U.S. an estimated $63 billion each year in lost productivity -- yet naps are rarely seen as a good thing. “If you fall asleep in a public place, people take pictures of you. They laugh," Hamblin says. "Be supportive. If you see someone sleeping, good. Good for them.”

Hamblin has a point. The benefits of a daytime nap range from increasing creativity and productivity to lifting your spirits. Although taking a midday snooze is frowned upon in most workplaces, Sleep Review reported in July that office "nap pods" are on the rise.

"Growing in popularity as a response to more studies that show the harms of not being well-rested, companies use the pods to provide mid-day naps to workers to boost productivity," Sleep Review's A.J. Zak wrote.

Feeling ready for a nap yet?

H/T The Atlantic

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